What are the signs and symptoms of Porn Addiction?

The internet gives people access to sorts of things with just a few clicks. From groceries to dates it is commonplace to use the internet to procure these things and more.
Pornography is no exception, did you know that 35% of all internet downloads are for pornography and that there are 68 million searches for porn everyday! What happens though, when this easy access turns into an addiction.
Like all addictions, porn addiction can start easily enough, it might be a stress reliever or an escape from reality, starting off watching it casually and then slowly it can take over cutting into people’s usual routine, draining cash flow and in severe cases causing physical harm. Like drug addiction, pornography addiction could spiral into dark places watching more disturbing even illegal content over time. Technology can further add difficulty to stop, with such easy access to pornography on laptops, cell phones, and tablets it is easier than ever to fuel the addicts habit.
Much like alcohol and drug addiction porn addicts can feel shameful and want to keep their addiction secret and begin to lead a double life between their virtual reality and real life.
What are some of the symptoms of porn addiction?
Inability to form lasting intimate relationships
Loss of hours or days due to porn
Loss of interest in anything other than pornography
Sexual dysfunction in real life sexual situations
Physical injury due to excessive masturbation
Isolation and a loss of interest to be with people
Fixation of having the perfect woman/man
Living out internal shameful fantasies
Risk of finding inappropriate content and increase in more risky behaviors
Do you or someone you know suffer from pornography addiction? If so, Mindbuilders can help. Deborah Bruno LCSW specializes in helping men and women re-claim their lives. Click here to contact Deborah Bruno LCSW today, both in person and e-counseling sessions available